Post by Baseball-Link on Apr 21, 2003 21:35:11 GMT -5
Objective - To be the last person left when the 10 rounds are finished.
Prize - If you are the last persons left after the 10 round are finished you will "recieve" a trophy. In other words you get your name on the Survivor Baseball Challenge Champions list. So you virtually have that award. The picture of the trophy is at the bottom of the forums. Rules - Only one pick per person. If you have two picks you will be DISQUALIFIED. - If a game is postponed, it will not count and the next day we will make it up with a double header.
How to Play - Every second day I will post a game and ask you to: Pick the winner Pick the team with the most hits Pick the over/under Pick the point spread - On the same thread you post your answer once and only once. - The next day I will post the people who qualify for the next round and PM them the password to access the thread for the next round. Please do not give out the password to anyone who has not qualified. I will still check but to make my job easier please don't give out the password. - If your name is not on the post and you think that I made a mistake PM me right away and I will look into it. You have to PM me right away or else I can't do anything about it. - After the one day off I will post another game and the process repeats. - There will be 10 rounds and the last persons who are left will "recieve" a trophy. If there is no one after the 10th round then the last persons that were left will win the trophy. If there is no one left after the 5th round a trophy will NOT be given out. - Good Luck!! - Ask any questions here.